Performance Metrics
I came across an interesting article in the NY Times yesterday. It concerned teacher ratings in schools. I’m not that familiar with how the system works, but it looks to be based on pupil performance...
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Political Prediction Markets
I came across a site called intrade on my general web surfing the other day. Intrade is a prediction market. You register for the site and can actually ‘bet’ money on the outcome of certain...
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Gold Medal Count
Posting has been light over the last few weeks as we are still gearing up for our move to the West Coast. It’s amazing how many things you have to do to shift 2 people, an apartment and a cat (the...
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New Long Tail Debate
If you read this blog a lot (ad thank you for those of you who do!), you know that I have been following the work of Chris Anderson for a while – his Long Tail theory and the newer Free movement.
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