A Positive Review of Windows 8
I don’t really do a lot of tech reviews on this blog (when I even get around to blogging these days, what with a 2-year old and a house to renovate!), but I might start doing a few more as I gradually...

Google Consumer Surveys
Google recently released a new product aimed squarely at the Market Research industry – Consumer Surveys.
As with anything Google does, they tend to bring a fresh perspective to an old problem and...

The Vaccine Debate
Probably one of the most contentious, acrid debates going on anywhere over the last five to ten years has been on the topic of vaccine safety. Go to any active forum that discusses children’s...

The Anna Karenina Principle
A while back I finished up Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs and Steel. A really great read.
In one of the chapters, he opens with a quote from Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina:
“Happy families are all alike;...

The Un-bundling of Content in the Digital World
I read an interesting article the other day from the Columbia Journalism School (pdf here) about the current state of digital Journalism. It’s the best treatise on digital content I have seen....

Performance Metrics
I came across an interesting article in the NY Times yesterday. It concerned teacher ratings in schools. I’m not that familiar with how the system works, but it looks to be based on pupil performance...
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Sipping wine in Sonoma
I can’t believe it’s been a few months since I wrote a post here! Especially after promising to try and keep the blog up to date.
The only excuse I can come up with is that in the past 6...

Facebook and Privacy
As many people probably know, Facebook has been hammered recently by concerns over user information and privacy. It’s disconcerting stuff.
I’ve just logged in and changed pretty much all of...

Breaking Habits
I just sat down with my wife and took her through Google docs. She wasn’t too happy about it. I tried to find some old copy of Office I could plonk on her new computer, but when that search was...

The Long Tail of the Long Tail
I was just perusing some blog feeds in the downtime on Christmas Day and came across a link on Brand New to an Economist article about the hit aspect of the Long Tail debate.
More and more articles about...